Friday, March 28, 2008

Live broadcasting?

Hi folks,

Things seem to be growing and progressing here, which is great.

Last night I got involved in a meeting from the comfort of my own home. The meeting was held in Birmingham City Centre and broadcast live using Bambuser. I was able to contribute to the meeting using a chat facility, a bit like msn/google chat/twitter etc. There were quite a few people listening in and getting involved with the meeting virtually.
The meeting wasn't really for me. My partner was at the meeting and it was all far too geeky and technical for me but I was really interested in the concept live broadcasting and the uses is may have for this group - especially for Helen, Becky and me.
Please let me know if you are interested (email is the best way to contact me and I'll get more information for you. Apparently there are some other broadcasting options that might be better for us to use...but they would essentially do the same thing.

Speak soon!

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