Wednesday, March 12, 2008

interesting eg of theory/ethnog mix

Hi guys,

Carol Rambo Ronai, Sketching With Derrida: An Ethnography of a Researcher/Erotic Dancer Qualitative Inquiry, Vol. 4, No. 3, 405-420 (1998)

i came across this a while ago- following up derrida rather than ethnography, but it was referenced in the gannon article so i found it again and it is worth a read- esp, for thinking through those theory/ethnog mixes that we were talking about...

i am interested in following up the way in which certain descriptive tags are given to these kinds of account and what they then imply- here we have 'sketch'- which presumes a certain type of artistic practice, this forms a fascintating pair with the incredibly laboured and gestural images ( such pracitce has art historical precident for being interpreteaed as cathertic self exploration) which accompany the text in Veils the cixious /derrida book gannon talks about) and also other articles on ethnogrpahy i have found ( i can ref if anyone else wants to follow this up ) which discuss 'messy' texts- ( this is NOT john law for those who were in the contemp. debates reading group) - less intersting for me than the use of the artistic vocab but still seems to open up some good questions.

sorry for the witter- see some of you later- i wonder if we could eventually get these sessions video linked to the Birmingham contingent?

alos i can photocopy the article if anyone who is interested does not have access.


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