Monday, August 4, 2008

Creative Geographies Event

Hi Everyone
A copy of the email sent to the Exnography, ugh... list on August 1st.
I'm experimenting with Wordpress for this blog as it seems tons more versatile and is easy to use... Please continue posting here as usual, though...


Hi Everyone

Just a quick one.

We need to hold an Exnography meeting soon to discuss this:

Check it out. Behind the scenes work. It's all explained... Please read it and think how you might fit in. This is what we were discussing at the end of the last meeting. It's just taken off.... and will, we hope, be bloody great...

How are people fixed next Thursday? Let me know times of you can be in, and email comments and ideas if you can't make it. It's important that postgrads - in particular - get involved...

Happy to discuss this... Please use 'reply all' to this list.

