Monday, May 26, 2008

more on creativity...

Dear all-

this is a post about intervention - or rather about the need to think about intervention and creative academic practices. I was reading a rather predictable but still good paper the other day based on a RGS round table discussion of Landscape , Mobility and Practice ( ref at end of post) which brought together an interesting group of people to talk about these issues including John Wylie, David Matless and Hayden Lorimer. Anyway to get to the point Tim Cresswell, also invovled in the panel, expressed admiration for writing in a 'poetic way', which he attributed to Caitlin, Hayden and John but said that he did not really know how to intervene in these 'nice stories'..... so anyway- interventions and how other academics can make them or not in response to such creative work, how creativity may itself constitute an intervention and what political/moral power/ impetus it may have or even lack seemed to me to be interesting brainstorming points in terms of our discussion on creative writing practices the other day. There was also some other interesting stuff about creativity as a response to changing sources and so on...

anyway: Merriman. P., et al. 'Landscape Mobility, Practice'. In Social and Cultural Geography, Vol 9. No. 2, March 2008.

any access probs I have the pdf


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