Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hello from Birmingham

I just thought I should say a quick "hello" and introduce myself. I'm afraid that I'm in the middle of re-working a chapter of my thesis (topically...all about the methodology) and juggling a few other things, all of which is keeping me rather busy this week but I promise I will come back here in the near future to participate and blog about all things ethnographic.

So, a quick introduction. My name is Emily and I'm a PhD student at Birmingham. Ian is one of my supervisors and Jon Sadler (an ecologist) is my other. This year I am writing up my thesis and am aiming to finish in October/November time. My work is on ornamental plant hunting (and when the Uni server is back up I'll post the link to my website!).

As well as writing up my thesis I also run my own photography business Emily Quinton Photography. This may seem unconnected with this blog but if you take a look at the blog on my website you will see that I am also busy connecting my photography with my academic work and will be taking an exhibition to this year's RGS/IBG.

I look forward to meeting you all (virtually and hopefully in Exeter/Birmingham too) soon and to seeing where this blog takes us.

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