Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Meeting date request from Brum

Hi everyone,
Sorry for my silence until now...hello!
Just wondering when the next meeting has been scheduled for? Only reason I ask is that Helen and I (and possibly Emily) are both/all down in Exeter the week starting 28th April until either Thursday or Friday (I'm down Monday eve, Helen, and maybe Emily, I think is/are down Wednesday). Not sure whether you'd planned the Exnog meeting for the week before, but if you've not and you'd like to (cos we would), how would that Wednesday (30th) do for a meet? Then we can both/all come along and join in the fun.
Just an idea...
Hope all's well: I believe some of you are jetsetting at the moment. Lucky yous. Safe trips there and back and hope to see you all on the 30th.